Wayne Long is a proud Murri man, born in St George on the Balonne River, but he is also a child of the Middle Kingdom - his grandfather, Old Billy Long, being part of the Chinese diaspora.
Wayne's story is interwoven with the historical, political and social events that have impacted on inter-racial relations in Australia for more than two hundred years, from Cook's landing to Mabo, from the Frontier Wars to the 1987 Goondiwindi riots, from the White Australia Policy to Paul Keating's Redfern speech. It is a Long story - long in history and blood, and long in personal tragedy and resilience.
"Wayne is as strong on his long links back to the Middle Kingdom as he is on his Kamilaroi roots. Irrespective of the name of his ancestral village, he knows where he belongs. And just like every home - it doesn't really matter where you're from, it's how you commit to where you're at that truly counts."