Ang Bennett

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Home Art & Paintings Ang Bennett

Ang is from Central Coast NSW (Darkinjung land). Her family is Gamilaroi and Dunghutti.

Darkinjung is where I have lived most of my life and where I feel most connected.

Painting relaxes me. I feel connected to my heritage when I paint. I am also a primary school teacher and value education very highly. They say a picture says a thousand words and those words can educate people.

So far, I have painted wooden serving platters, terracotta pots, garbage bins, toilet seats and canvases. Who knows what’s next. Art does not have to go on the wall.

I try to include colour in my art. I want to make people feel joy when they see it. I hope they will look at it and it will make them smile. I also hope they make a connection that an Aboriginal person did it and how proud that person is to be Aboriginal.

Anyone that sees it can learn something – even if it is to stop and admire the colours our world has to offer. I hope that they feel a sense of pride toward Aboriginal people and their culture.