Dried Saltbush makes for a tasty Dukkah. Combined with Macadamia and Pepperleaf, the Indigiearth Saltbush Dukkah is a handy staple in the cupboard for entertaining or for everyday cooking with a touch of the Australian outback.
About: Salt Bush adapts to dry, salty soils and traditionally the seeds were ground by Aboriginal people for a form of flour and made into a damper-style bread. The leaves are often used as a bed or wrap for meat or fish, in salads or as a leafy bed for grilled meat or vegetables.
Suggestions for use:
- Serve with olive oil and bread platter
- Crust meats such as Kangaroo fillet. Dip small fillet into oil, press into Saltbush Dukkha and cook in oven for approximately 20 minutes at 160 degrees. Cooking time will depend on your oven and how you prefer to eat meats
- crust salmon fillets
- Sprinkle on salads
- Sprinkle on potato salad