SHORTLISTED – 2020 Indigenous Writer's Prize in the NSW Premier's Literary Awards
SHORTLISTED – 2018 Speech Pathology Australia's Book of the Year (Eight to Ten Years category)
Alfred’s War is a powerful story that unmasks the lack of recognition given to Australian Indigenous servicemen who returned from the WWI battlelines. Alfred was just a young man when he was injured and shipped home from France. Neither honoured as a returned soldier or offered government support afforded to non-Indigenous servicemen, Alfred took up a solitary life walking the back roads – billy tied to his swag, finding work where he could.
Rachel Bin Salleh’s poignant narrative opens our hearts to the sacrifice and contribution that Indigenous people have made to Australia’s war efforts, the true extent of which is only now being revealed.
About the Author
Rachel Bin Salleh
Rachel Bin Salleh is descended from the Nimunburr and Yawuru peoples of the Kimberley region of Western Australia. She has worked in publishing for over 20 years and is passionate about Indigenous people telling their stories. Rachel lives in Broome with her family. Alfred’s War is her first book.
Illustrated by Samantha Fry
Samantha Fry grew up in the Northern Territory and lives in Darwin. She is descended from the Dagiman people from Katherine and as a child lived in remote communities across the Top End. Samantha is an accomplished artist and talented designer. Alfred's War is the first book she has illustrated.
Product Details
Hard Cover
Pages 40