This collection draws together four tales for younger readers from the Waarda series of Indigenous stories, first edited by acclaimed author Sally Morgan.
Two stories feature Lilli and her magical companion, Shadow. Living in Nan’s mango tree, Shadow is just the friend Lilli needs when adjusting to a new life in a new town. And, when Shadow finds himself the host of an unwanted visitor, Lilli becomes just the friend he needs too. The next two stories are about Annie, who learns how important ingenuity and strong family ties are when living in the remote community of Useless Loop. Annie helps her dad build an amazing beach sports car from a pile of junk before she and her family battle a cyclone.
Drawing on the authors’ own experiences, these charming tales are illustrated with black-and-white line drawings, and are a great way to introduce young readers to the world of contemporary Indigenous storytelling.
'This sweet collection of stories from Fremantle Press’ Waarda series will appeal to teachers, librarians and parents who want to talk with kids about the different experiences of people around Australia ... The language is simple, the stories are charming and the book’s light touch will prompt conversations about new cultural experiences ...' Books+Publishing
'... a wonderful way to introduce younger readers to contemporary Indigenous stories and storytelling.' Australian Teacher
'The easy-to-read stories, although simple, have something important to say.' Good Reading Magazine
'Simple prose and short chapters with headings make all these stories easy for newly-independent readers. Tracey Gibbs has made a strong contribution to the book with her evocative cover picture and expressive black, white and grey illustrations ...' Magpies
'... young readers are sure to be gripped by the charming world of contemporary Indigenous storytelling.' writingWA